Compassionate Spaces

This research focuses on the concept of “Compassionate Spaces,” empathetic interaction between users and the built environment. This smart built environment relies on programmable materials and sensory network to allow architectural spaces to change and respond to real-time emotional and neurological data in a fluid manner. The spaces that can “feel” and empower users by understanding and accommodating their needs.
A sensory network is implemented to collect data to understand the human condition within the realm of IoT and Human-computer Interaction (EEG Headset, eye tracker, facial emotion detectors, biological data collector, voice and gesture recognition, smart devices app, etc.). The structure implements kinetic components and surfaces and active shapes to perform certain reconfiguration such as seamlessly opening or closing upon receiving commands. As a result, real-time data is collected from users’ cognitive and biological state, sent to embedded microcontrollers, decisions are made by programmed microcontrollers and forwarded to the actuators. Afterward, actions are performed through mechanical actuators, programmable materials, SMA (Shape Memory Alloy), pneumatic systems, and soft robotics.