Sunlight Aperture



Light Up the Darkness is design experiment for the possibilities to integrate parametric design in a micro-housing unit in two ways: 1. efficient living style, and 2. maximize and entertain light and shadow. We set the size of our residential unit approximately 250 ft2 (10ft x 25ft), which is an average size for a micro unit. Our team tries to explore our design widely, from ground plane, to wall, and to ceiling. Within the designs, we apply sensor and digital operation as an approach for efficient housing and improve the user experience. This is a design experiment to discover how the designs can improve the use and sense of space within the unit.

Our team explores the possibilities to integrate parametric design in a micro housing unit (or micro-dwelling). According to MircoShowcase, Micro-housing defines as any residential structure, foundation built or on wheels, with full utilities (electric/ water/ sewer) and living facilities (kitchen/ bed/ bath/ commode) designed for full time occupancy that accommodates occupants at less than 300 ft2 per person.

  1. Micro-housing has become the trend of residential design and construction at highly populated cities, such as Seattle, Tokyo and New York, due to the over-density and amount of single living person. A lot of industries try to discover the innovative way to construct micro-housing in order to make it highly efficient and user friendly.

  2. On the other hand, micro-unit is usually perceived as a sad, confined space where a single person lives at with limited light source and size. Therefore, there are needs and desires for bringing micro-housing to another level. Our team tries to provide a set of parametric applications in order to improve the current micro-housing design and construction.

This project is a design experiment explores the possibility to apply parametric design into micro-housing unit, which is rising and popular housing typology in the world. The objective of this project is to integrate parametric design in a micro-housing unit in two ways: 1. efficient living style, and 2. maximize and entertain light and shadow. The attempts our team explore may not be perfect and solve the problems of micro-housing unit, but it is an introduction and attempt to apply parametric components into efficient and delightful micro-housing unit.

Date: Spring 2019

Location: Pullman, WA

Project Partners: Gella Tong, Chien-yi Chu, Brian Sze

Photo Credit: Gella Tong, Chien-yi Chu, Brian Sze